Welcome to St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School Smithton

Welcome to St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School Smithton


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Setup for Success Birth to Five Program

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Setup for Success Birth to Five Program

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Our History

Catholic Education Beyond Year 6

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Catholic Education Beyond Year 6

Support Programs

Social-emotional well-being is embedded in all facets of our school culture. Students are given the opportunity to build a stronger understanding of self and of others through various programs offered. All students are expected to ‘aim high’ in every aspect of life at St Peter Chanel Catholic School. Necessary preconditions to learning such as nutrition, sleep and hydration are emphasised and supported in collaboration with families. We aspire to ensure every child is given their best possible opportunity to flourish.

Our educational community seeks to provide a system that will support students’ efforts to manage their own behaviour and promote academic achievement. An effective behaviour support system is a proactive, positive, skill-building approach to the teaching and learning of successful student behaviour. Positive behaviour support (PBS) systems ensure effective strategies that promote prosocial behaviour and respectful learning environments. Research-based positive behaviour support systems are appropriate for all students, regardless of age. 

The principles of Catholic Education reflect the beliefs that each person deserves and needs a positive and inclusive educational community that values diversity and provides a comprehensive system of individual support from birth to adulthood. A positive behaviour support policy incorporates the modelling and teaching of positive, proactive social behaviours across the school environment. 

Our PBS system is a data-based initiative that endeavours to adjust the environment and learning opportunities that support the student. This system is implemented by collaborative, school-based teams using student-centred planning. School-wide expectations for behaviour are clearly stated, widely promoted, and frequently referenced. Both individual and school-wide learning and behaviour problems are comprehensively assessed. Functional assessment of learning and behaviour challenges is linked to an intervention that focuses on skill building. The effectiveness of the selected intervention is evaluated and reviewed, leading to data-based adjustments. Positive interventions that support adaptive and pro-social behaviour and build on the strengths of the student lead to an improved learning environment. Students are offered a continuum of methods to help them learn and maintain appropriate behaviour. 

Pastoral Care & Well-being

Pastoral Care & Well-being is implemented at St Peter Chanel through:

  1. Involving staff, students, families, support agencies and existing programs to develop the SEL programs for classes.
  2. Promoting positive interactions within the school and wider community through our integrated curriculum.
  3. Resolving disciplinary problems in a cooperative and constructive way through restorative justice. This is based on respect, responsibility, relationship building and relationship repairing, creating a safe environment where social and emotional learning can flourish.
  4. Every class will have SEL embedded into their class program and students will be taught these skills explicitly:
    • MYTERN Roadmap
    • Smiling Mind App: Teaching self how to ‘be’
    • Chill Out Spaces: Three spaces provided for student support
    • Sensory Needs: Acknowledging students who require support with sensory issues
    • Circle Solutions: Established within each class
    • Celebrating Everyday: The importance of everyday is recognised with a Make Jesus Real/ SEL focus display

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